"Do not move the way that fear would have you move. Move the way that love would have you move." J. Rumi

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Google Map

This is a link to the Google Map that I just created for our Holistic 1000 course. This map is intended to provide students with a basic walking route around the campus of Western Michigan University. In our class, we require students to incorporate fitness into their lives, and really encourage them to walk daily. We have set a goal of 10,000 steps per day for students, and believe that by simply walking this route daily, students will be well on their way to achieving this goal. Included in the map are resting areas around the way, highlights of particularly dangerous areas, restrooms, and other significant areas on campus. Not only will this help students achieve their personal and class fitness goals, but it will also work to help them become better acquainted with Western's campus.

3.5 mile Walk Around Campus Map

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