"Do not move the way that fear would have you move. Move the way that love would have you move." J. Rumi

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Prarie Home Companion Podcast

This is a pod cast of, "The News from Lake Wobegone"- a segment of the show, "Prairie Home Companion" hosted by the infamous Garrison Keilor. Just listening to a few minutes of the show immediately puts me at ease. It is relaxing, funny and heartwarming, and there is always something unexpected. It's great for the whole family, and a perfect pass time for a lazy Sunday afternoon. While it is not explicitly educational in nature as our assignment called for, it fits nicely into an English Education classroom. Garrison Keilor is the quintessential American storyteller, an excellent model for students of English composition!

Prairie Home Companion Podcast

If you choose to subscribe, enjoy! And let me know what you think.

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